Janet Everitt
.....Few pastel artists have garnered the praise and prizes that have been awarded to Janet Everitt, a resident of Bowie, Texas, north of Fort Worth. Janet began exploring the world of art while she was growing up in East Texas, and has settled on pastels as her principal medium. This was a fortunate choice for those of us who recognize and appreciate well-executed art. It's not surprising that other pastel artists come into the gallery and spend a thoughtful fifteen minutes in front of each of her works, absorbing her remarkable techniques and graceful style.
.....Everitt's travels, both to Europe and around the U.S., seem to chronicle themselves in the works of art that invariably evolve after these trips. Janet is especially fond of the New Mexico area and manifests her love of this area with strong and solitary works reflecting life in the U.S. deserts.
Equally adeptly, however, Janet will quickly alternate her southwest images with lush, verdant portraits of flower fields in Europe or kind-but-accurate studies of people and pets. .....The images on this page were difficult to chose because all of the 20-or-so pieces at Leslie Gallery are equally strong and artistically excellent. Perhaps these representational works, however will whet your appetite to see more!
Janet is available for commission work.