Fran O'Pry

.....Fran O'Pry is a local artist who specializes in pottery. Her work, as you can tell from the illustrations on this page, is graceful, proportionate and substantial. Fran lives in Galveston and has been producing pottery for about four years. She's becoming accustomed to the awards which she regularly collects for her work when she enters it in shows and exhibitions. People have begun to collect her work for its art qualities, although it's also functional and, in fact, was originally produced as vases, plates, bowls, etc.

.....O'Pry began her pottery explorations with pinch pots of various shapes and sizes, but has recently begun to create work with a wheel. She fires many of her works in a pit in her yard, suspending them in a sling and surrounding them with various products of nature (leaves, etc.) which capture and direct the smoke of the fire into interesting and unpredictable designs on the pieces.

.....Fran works with white and red clays, and has begun to produce porcelain (high-fired) pieces in the past few months. The best way we can describe the substance of her pieces is to ask you to hold one in your feel the shape, the weight, and the coolness of the pottery. Her work is addictive.

Fran is available for commission work.





Monday - Saturday
10:00 - 5:30